5 Fun Days at Home - Activities for the Whole Family

During these uncertain times. parents are looking to keep their preschoolers engaged all day. No easy task! Well, if you’re tired to searching for new and creative ways to keep them engaged, we’ve got you covered. Try these out!

Musical Monday

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together! There’s no better way to have some fun than with a dance party, freeze dance, music “concert” or a little mini performance with handmade instruments. Click here for a free finger puppet and song print out, with a bean theme! Have some spare dried beans at home or on hand, such as lima beans? Plant each bean with the children in small pots or cups with soil.

Tasty Tuesday

Let’s have some fun with a tasty treat! Don’t worry, these recipes are easy, affordable, and stress free! Incorporate fresh produce for sensory exploration, to encourage lively discussions and to influence eating habits. Head here, here and here for yummy, healthy, easy to make recipes that your children will surely love.

Work Together Wednesday

Holding ourselves and others accountable is an important part of the equation for a successful learning environment. The same applies at home. Children become active participants in making the home environment work. Cleaning together can be a great starting point to teach accountability and responsibility. Armchair supervision doesn’t work anywhere near as well as active participation. Keep your expectations reasonable and show them how it’s done. As they master the skills and no longer need step-by-step encouragement, you can put on some music and boogie your way through the list of chores. Or use room cleaning time as a time for conversation. Fill a bathtub with soapy water and have them scrub and clean toys. Use socks for dusting, set a timer to have a race to complete tasks.

Click here for a family cooking activity - Crunchy Colorful Coleslaw.

Artsy Thursday

It’s sometimes expected by educators and parents alike that children will bring home cute craft projects. While crafts are fun and enjoyable, the focus of a craft is usually a specific end result, which unfortunately leaves children with little flexibility to be as creative as they please. Try something new - head here to learn all about process art and its creative learning benefits!

Family Friday

Beetbox cares deeply about the relationship between parents and children. While healthful programming can be impactful, real change comes when the whole family is involved! We know it can be tough for busy parents to stay on track. Check out our self care activity that the whole family can do together. Make a natural Honey Sea Salt Hand Scrub and take some time to pamper each other. Head here and enjoy!

Check out our free parent download containing 30+ hands on activities for you to engage your children, with STEAM based seed to table activities.

Give our suggestions a try, and let us know what you think in the comments below! Don’t be afraid to pass along and share with friends and family. The healthier we all are, the better!
