Easy, Last Minute Father's Day Gift Idea!

YIKES! It’s almost Father’s Day! And you’ve forgotten to put together a cutesy craft. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If there’s one thing we know, it’s that dad’s truly are super heroes. For this action themed craft, all you need is a carpet/floor, white paper, and some super hero capes! This creative and sweet idea belongs to the amazing teacher Samantha Langdon of Children’s All Day School in NYC! Thanks, Samantha!

This father’s day gift is all about using what you have! A blue rug, large blue sheet paper, or whatever you have on hand can be used to create a “sky” background. Have children wear a super hero cape, or mask (bonus points for creating their own masks!"). Cut out large white paper or cardboard to create “clouds”. Show children how to lay down, and give their best super hero pose. Stand on a chair to get the right perspective when taking the photo. Print out the pictures, and get creative with presentation:

1.) Ask children why their dad is their super hero. Record their response on a piece of paper or in a frame along side the picture.

2.) Children can make frames for their pictures with anything you have on hand from popsicle sticks, to pipe cleaners.

3.) Print smaller versions of the pictures to stick in a keychain, or on a small token or gift like a paperweight.

Thanks, Samantha, for the inspiration!

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